Kill the Lizard....

I am currently reading Seth Godin's book, "Indispensible". It is a great and fun read. The premise of the book centers upon how one can become indispensible in the ever changing global market. What makes this book cool is that he stresses one to tap into the silent genius that lies within. In the book he makes a clear distinction that genius does not only mean painting a masterpiece, or composing a symphony. True genius he argues instead comes whenever one is able to solve a problem or to create anything that has not existed before. Genius, in this light is simply doing the things that make one most human, most unique. The greatest impediment to this however lies with something called "Our Lizard Brain"

Our Lizard brain is the part of us that craves comfort and security. It is the most basic, biological part of the brain. It is the tiny, but loud voice that discourages one from ever doing something different and unsafe. In short this is the voice of convention challenging us never to grow, never to take risks. The sad reality is that most of us listen to this voice on a daily basis, sapping the inner greatness that lies within. In Christian terminology the "Lizard Brain" is the devil. The devil's central aim is clear, it is to lead one to hell, or in our case to make one so mediocre, so average that one never takes, risks, or challenges. This is the spiritual equilavent of suicide, since one of the most basic premises of Christianity is faith. So how is faith exercised? by doing something that causes us great distress or even fear. Faith is exercised by believing in a hope that is not yet manifested. Cut this vital element out, and you have a slow but precipitous decay to hell. (mediocrity)

So what's the solution? Kill the Lizard. How do you do this? Pray, and then 5 seconds later take the plunge, do that thing that terrifies you. Once you to do this I assure you that you will be "indispensible" in this life and more importantly in the next life to come.

Short Prayer:

Lord please help me to do the thing that I most fear, for it is through faith that my love is made most pure. Amen


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