God's Love Through Towels

When I checked my e-mail today I was pleasantly surprised by this touching e-mail from my wife:

"I was very nervous this morn but what changed and lightened my mood was this:You not only laundered our towels perfectly but when I asked u to put them on the bathroom counter, you went a step further and put them atop the wall cabinet.  IN ORDER of color!!!  And furthermore you actually put the sub-par towels, not fit for display, underneath the sink - just like I do!!!!!!!

Jesus revealed to me at that moment that I am not alone anymore in running my house hold or in life in general

How tender! how massive a revelation!

God bless you my friend my husband my partner.  I love you

You are an amazing man"

I felt so affirmed when I read this e-mail because yesterday I had a very difficult day.  This e-mail helped to quell my fears and it instead gave me a new found hope and inspiration to continue fighting on.  In the past I would usually run away from life when it got too difficult but, now instead I am embracing life, confronting my fears, difficulties, and obstacles.  I have no choice I need to keep fighting, keep staying strong for my family.  But with a wife like mine the fighting, confronting process is so much sweeter.  God I love this woman, I am so blessed to have her as my wife!


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