We need to wage a war! Viva Cristo Rey!

"Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No I tell you, but rather division." Luke 12:51

Hot off the heals of a wonderful and relaxing trip to Rhode Island, what is the first thing that I write about when I come back? War!  I remember while I was driving off the wonderful and rapturous Ocean Drive in Newport, my wife told me, "I have never met anyone with so much righteous indignation."  At first I took this as a type of put down, but when I reflected upon her comment I realized that she was correct in her assessment. Once I accepted her statement I realized that there was nothing wrong with righteous indignation, as long as I was aligned to Christ and his teachings this type of anger could propel me to take action in our culture, to spread Christ's message in our ever growing secular and anti religious culture.  After reflecting upon these things I decided that the time for silence and passive compliance was over.  I decided that we as Christian Catholics needed to fight back, to reclaim our country, to reclaim our faith, to reclaim our culture. I came to the conclusion that the only way to do this was to wage war against the forces that are consistently seeking to undermine and destroy our faith.  Upon reflection I also determined that the most effective tactic would be to wage a guerrilla war against these forces.

A great part of my inspiration for this came from my reading of the Cristero War which was a defensive war conducted by Catholics in Mexico in 1927.  This war was a direct response to the creation of 1917 Mexican Constitution which sought to secularize the country through severely limiting the role of the catholic church. This Constitution was ruthlessly implemented by atheist president Plutarco Elias Calles.  Any catholic who disobeyed these regulations would be put to death often times through hanging or firing squad.  The catholics who were caught had two choices either to renounce their faith and live or to keep their faith and die.  Most of the captured choose the later option thus becoming martyrs for the faith. At first the Catholic response to this Constitution was peaceful, but as more and more catholics were being slain, the catholics then began organizing guerrilla type forces that would engage the government forces head on.  After conducting this type of warfare for nearly three years the government forces finally ended hostilities and through the diplomatic assistance of US ambassador Dwight Whitney Morrow the war was ended in 1929.

Unfortunately if we as Catholics are not vigilant in our defense of the faith we might once again be forced to take up arms to defend our faith.  I am not advocating war I am just simply stating that if we are not careful the forces against Christianity will stop at nothing to rid our country of our faith.  The key is to not let this happen in the first place.  The choice is ours we either defend our faith now and take back our country to its Judeo Christian roots or we don't do anything and be forced to wage a much more painful and costly war later on.  Personally it is my hope and prayer that we as a country choose the former.


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