God is faithful, God is good

"In the Midst of the worst difficulties and adversities, I do not lose inner peace or exterior balance, and this discourages my adversaries.  Patience in adversity gives power to the soul."  (Sr. Kowalska, p. 255)

"God is Faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13

Every once in a while in this difficult and demanding life Jesus surprises us by answering our prayers, or like my wife likes to say he gives us, "God Kisses"  I want to recount to you how Jesus orchestrated a mini miracle in my life today.

Today as I left my job interview I needed to go back to Montclair State. I needed to return some books and to take care of some issues regarding the transfer of my credits.  So as I arrived to my school I parked my car in the free spot right next to the Newman Catholic Center.  You see during the school year it is nearly impossible to find a parking spot there.  However, today since the semester ended I had no difficulties finding a parking spot.  So as I made my way up the long, winding, and penitential stairs to Newman a thought came to mind.  "Are they having mass today?" I looked at my clock and I realized that it was exactly twelve, the time for mass.  As I walked up towards the building I saw other people going in.  I was excited to find out that I had just made it to mass.  Once I walked in I was overjoyed and I felt incredibly grateful to Jesus for giving me the sublime opportunity to partake in the Holy Eucharist. I also learned that today was Ascension Thursday.

I felt so humbled that the King of the universe amidst his super busy schedule(hearing millions of prayers can be daunting, just watch  "Bruce Almighty" and you will see what I mean) orchestrated my life's events in such a perfect and precise fashion so that I could be with him. (Now only if he could make that happen with money).  I felt touched that our Lord cares so much for us even in the littlest details.


  1. Definitely a 'God Kiss", Marco. Marc, Lily and I miss you and your conversation. Reading your blog, however, is like hearing you in our dining room again :-)Hugs to Renee!- Dawn


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