A family that stays together...

During these past three months Renee and I have been developing our family mission statement.   The origins of this idea came from my reading of Steven Covey's landmark work, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In principle 2, Begin with the end in mind, Covey speaks about the importance for a person to develop a personal creed, a mission statement. Covey also wrote about how corporations, families, and church organizations should also do the same.  After several months of putting it off Renee and I finally sat down and created our own family creed.  It is our hope that our family creed would inspire other couples and families to do the same, so here it is:

Our Family Creed:

Our mission is threefold:  To grow together in holiness, to educate our children in the faith, and to bring Christ to others.

We resolve to live our entire married existence according to the following guiding principles as we:
1.        Live a Christ centered life by frequent mass attendance, praying together daily including scripture reading and reflection, seeking monthly spiritual direction, helping those in need, and weekly adoration.

2.       Cultivate a safe and loving environment
a.         Speak openly and honestly about everything
b.       Place the needs of each other and our children above ourselves
c.        Respect each other even in the face of difficulties or disagreements
d.       Make time for each other no matter how busy our lives are
e.       Build up one another with forgiveness and praise
f.         Make all important decisions together and with consultation when appropriate

3.       Learn habits that enable us to become and remain good financial stewards
a.         Live within our means.
b.        Meet  weekly to track our expenditures
c.        Meet monthly to track our budget
d.       Tithe regularly
e.       Pay all of our expenses and debts on time
f.         Plot  all of our deadlines on a calendar
g.        Assign specific bills to a specific person
h.       Deposit money into savings no matter how seemingly small the amount
i.         Be cheerful givers
j.         Keep organized files and records

4.       Learn habits that will enable us to become good stewards of our health
a.        Exercise together at least three times a week
b.       Follow a plan of eating that discourages high amounts of sodium and sugar intake
c.        Take vitamins daily

5.       Learn habits that will enable us to become good stewards of our time
a.        Meet weekly to plan out the week ahead
b.       Set aside time for rest and recreation
c.        Say no to events that do not safeguard our time together as a family

6.       Educate our children in the faith

7.       Strive for peace and tranquility within our household first
a.         Keep our living area neat, clean,  orderly,  and welcoming
b.       Dispose of items we do not need
c.        Set aside time to eat, read, and talk with each other
d.       Promote healthy immediate and extended family relationships and boundaries
e.       Promote healthy occupation boundaries that are consistent with family friendly principles


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