The Pope Thinks That Bloggers Are Cool

As I was reading the latest Catholic news wires I discovered that the Pope was holding a meeting for prominent Catholic Bloggers.  To read the entire report click here.

 It is so cool that the Pope has decided to take the time to meet with us, the bloggers.  What makes this so special is that this meeting is going to be held the day after the beatification of John Paul II; one of my heroes. On a personal level I view this as an confirmation of my unique role as a blogger within the new evangelization.

I remember when I began my blog nearly a year ago I did not have any elaborate plan or direction.  The only thing that I wanted to do was to write about the things that mattered most to me. I am honored to be doing my small part in this new evangelization. It is my prayer that I am leading souls to Christ through my blogging.


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