
Showing posts from May, 2010

Not so BAD

Renee Rewards: Reason 17

Renee Rewards: Reason 16

Sing in key!

Tour Guide or Driver?: Near Death in Carife, Italy

Let's celebrate a wonderful saint today

Renee Rewards: Reason #15

Marcello's Mischief 92'

Crisis of dependency

Renee Rewards: Reason #14

Who me? Yeah right!


A day of rejoicing: Our Sixth Month Anniversary

Let's set the record straight: A defense of Pope Benedict Pt.4

Rhode Island Trip Pt.2

Rhode Island Trip Pt. 1 Block Island, Providence

Renee Rewards: Reason #13

We need to wage a war! Viva Cristo Rey!

Thank God we have this guy in office!

Let's set the record straight: A defense of Pope Benedict Pt. III

Renee Rewards: Reason #12

God is faithful, God is good

A true account of World War II: Heroism in Slovakia

Marcello's Mischief 99'

Renee Rewards: Reason #11

It is finished: I am done!

Humility not stupidity please!

Renee Rewards: Reason #10

The Hellenization of America

Our governent: Do they really have our backs?

Renee Rewards: Reason #9

A difficult decision: My trepid entrance into politics

Marcello's Mischief: "Sweet Child of Mine" 89'

Let's Set the Record Straight: A defense of Pope Benedict Pt. 2

Seniors Beware: Tom Cruise wants you dead

Marcello's Mischief: Holy Communion 89'