Cool Links 08.09.11
1) Nine Things Successful People Do Differently. A great post packed with practical advice on how to become successful.
2) The Prison of Reason. An engaging post about the limits of human reason. I also just wrote a post on this very matter titled, Albert Einstein & The Beauty of Mystery.
3) "Nothing is original..." A creative image of how to borrow other's ideas and to make them uniquely your own.
4) "Everyone is a Genius...A cool quote by Albert Einstein.
5) Why is America Exceptional? An expertly written post by the folks of The Heritage Foundation on American Exceptionalism.
6) A Crisis of Government. A captivating piece written R.R. Reno about the history of liberal economic policies.
2) The Prison of Reason. An engaging post about the limits of human reason. I also just wrote a post on this very matter titled, Albert Einstein & The Beauty of Mystery.
3) "Nothing is original..." A creative image of how to borrow other's ideas and to make them uniquely your own.
4) "Everyone is a Genius...A cool quote by Albert Einstein.
5) Why is America Exceptional? An expertly written post by the folks of The Heritage Foundation on American Exceptionalism.
6) A Crisis of Government. A captivating piece written R.R. Reno about the history of liberal economic policies.
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