Personal Mission Statement Version 1.0

After we were married my wife and I, through much prayer developed a family mission statement. It is hanging in a prominent place in our bedroom and we try to abide by its content as best as we can. But my personal mission statement has sadly been under construction since 2001. Sure, I've drafted a few versions over the years, but have always deemed them to be unsatisfactory. I think what may have been lacking in the previous attempts is looking at my life though the lens of virtues.  As God would have it, while I was on retreat last week and my mind was more quiet, several ideas began to string together that seemed to create an outline for a personal mission statement.  I was also heavily influenced by the book, Virtuous Leadership:An Agenda for Personal Excellence by Alexandre Havard.  I definitely recommend this book.

So here is my personal mission statement ( the mini constitution for my life)

"My mission in life is to grow in holiness following God's will through the sanctification of my daily life.

I pray to achieve this through the following virtues:

  • Prudence: I will not make rash decisions without first determining through prayer the right course of action. 
  • Courage: I will be resilient in the face of adversity and persistent in the duty of speaking the truth even in the face of overwhelming evil. 
  • Justice: I will seek daily to be fair in my dealings with others, through forgiveness and kindness. I will also fight injustice whenever it is my power to do so.
  • Temperance: At all times I will strive for self control and self discipline 
  • Magnanimity: I will seek to help others and achieve great, memorable things for the kingdom of God.
  • Humility: I will be confident in the gifts that God has given me but never lose sight of my dependence upon Him.
  • Faith: I will believe in God's omnipotence and mercy and trust in his providence in all matters.
  • Hope: I will seek to remain eternally optimistic and remember the following, "I can accomplish all things through Christ."
  • Love: I will seek to love God with my whole heart, mind and soul and my neighbor as myself.
I am confident that the Lord will help me accomplish this through the activation of a daily plan which involves routine prayer, mass attendance, examination of conscience, spiritual direction, praying the rosary, etc.


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